A downloadable game

Solar system Simulator (Gravitation study)


The goal of this exercise was to create a solar system simulator, of N celestial bodies. We are therefore interested in gravitational force fields, which are conservative vector fields.


Choice of:

  • Camera position (Free Fly Cam by Sergey Stafeev: WASD for movement, QE for up/down, mouse for orientation, shift for speed boost, acceleration).
  • Placement, mass, and initial velocity of a new planet in the system.
  • Simulation speed (in X per ticks, e.g., 120 hours per game tick).
  • Show or hide certain elements: planet information (speed, mass, position), vector field.


The constants used:

  • Universal Gravity = 6.6743e-11F

Recommended values:

  • Simulation speed: The faster the speed, the more inaccuracies accumulate (and the larger the planet trails become). It is therefore recommended to stick to values close to the default ones.
  • New planet:


All planet calculations can be found in Astral Object. Constants and time calculations in Globals. The vector field in Vectorial Fields. The camera in Camera Behaviour & Free Fly Camera. Interfaces in Instruction Button, New Planet Placer, Planet Info & Time Controller.

Repo at https://github.com/Isart-Partners-Felix-Jess/ImYourVenus .

Written by


GravityVenus.zip 76 MB

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